Ms.Matchsticks and the Unbelievable Ninja Get Away

You would think that the world really cares about your trials but, honey! that ain't happening ever. Now, that's a lesson Ms.Matchsticks teaches everyone.

Especially, the overly enthusiastic gremlins of hope. This time, Ms.Matchsticks found herself in one of those booby traps of an evening. You know... one of those events which you plan on bailing on for a week, to eventually get roped in by a co-worker in the last minute, kind.

Such a waste of a windy, chilly evening, she thought to herself as she lightened her cigarette of the building ash, on to the ashtray. 'I could have been in my comfy bed, under my comforter reading a book. M,m may be a dirty book.....any BOOK!'.....Ms.Matchsticks almost said the last word out loud.

'Hi!' ....she heard from a remotely familiar voice but couldn't put a face to its kind. She heard again... ' 'Hi! I Think we met at the Classical Music Fest in November...right?'

Now, she had to look. She saw a decently good looking man look right at her, and that's when she remembered.

' Hey! You're Zaman's friend right? ' - She said.

' Yeah! Long time eh?... So, how you been? ' - Arnob replied.

' I am good, bored but good ' Ms.Matchsticks replied with a smirk.

The rest of the evening, meaning the next three hours went by just like that. It was fun, good conversation, good-looking guy, maybe the evening is making up to her for being such a damning whore so far.

Arnob offered to drop her off, because after all, it is already past midnight, and the streets are just not safe for a woman to be out in a haltered black evening dress and four and a half inch pumps.

The drive back home would at the least take a good forty-five minutes.

The drive was pleasant, neither of the two had too much to drink so it was a breeze.

Right into the sixteenth minute, Arnob unexpectedly stopped the car. Ms.Matchsticks did not get scared but were a bit taken aback, so she asked why.

He answered with a rather generic idea. It is a wonderful night and justed to enjoy the breeze.

 But, his voice was suddenly and out of the blue a little harder, a little harsher and just a tad bit unenthusiastic about the fact that she needed to get home.

He with no invitation at all took her hand grabbed her wrist tighter and started to say how beautiful she was.

By now, with her left hand, she had already dialed her friend and kept him on the speaker.

' Take me home, or I would rather get out and walk it myself '

She demanded.

Arnob wanted to stay. He kept saying that she is safe and he just wanted to be closer to her.

' Take me home '...But this time she almost screamed.


The next day at work as usual at lunch, she thanked Tasnim for staying with her on the phone.

' Funny! Isn't penis holders think. So funny. No invitation at all '- Ms.Matchsticks ended the conversation with that.


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