Ms.Matchsticks and the man of no return

“Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.” — Marc Hack

Ah, the follies of literature Ms. Matchsticks thought while she read this quote. Clearly, Marc Hack never met brown men. Someone should take them and introduce them to the average Indian male smothered by their mother and trained to believe in the flawless slate of a woman's brain.

She was doing all of those thinking while he was telling her how small of a brain she had for not keeping up with his broken promises. After all, why wouldn't he? It's the right bestowed by him, from his mother to make sure the rest of the women in the world would be lucky to have.

Run baby run! Ms. Matchsticks thought to herself while she rolled her eyes at his blatant incapability to understand most what is already a child's play. Like, anxiety, depression and mostly, female emancipation.

So, Ms. Matchsticks decided maybe, just maybe she will pretend her way through his fables of right and wrong to see if he made of the metal he says he is. That was surely a waste of time. because, everybody knows that a woman's first blood hardly comes from between her legs, but biting her tongue since a child seeing the brotherhood of man.

So, why not nurture the so-called insanity described by him. it is the balance of the world. What's love if he just is not man enough, but a boy who thinks he is. Packing his bags at the sight of hardship because its a kind of hardship even he does not know how to spell.

So, ladies! Ms.Matchstick has decided to see through this fake manhood and reveal the metal he was actually made of. He was made of stale promises, a troubled view of right and wrong and mostly, an unemphatic man who thinks he can.

The man of no return and yet Ms. Matchstick swirls her teaspoon in her coffee cup, smiling through his incapability to be empathetic and human and exercising his betrothed brotherhood.

As he spits 'Bitch' and screams 'Witch', Ms. Matchstick whispers to her brain inside, ' I could be both, you know! '


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