
Ms. Matchsticks Hate Moochers

Unless you have been shoved agianst the wall, we tend to always make excuses for people treating us like shit. Think about it, Ms. matchsticks have spent years running after 'men' who have done nothing for her. Treated her less than she deserves. But, have you ever owndered why women tend to stay in abusive relationships or relationships that have done nothing for their betterment? It is easy to just judge and say 'leave'. It has so much that is at stake. People take advantage of your short comming and put you in a box. If face when it comes to depression and relationships you can always see how such toxic cycles start. How these 'men' and also women, in fact toxic partners mooch off your goodness. Sucks you dry till you crumble like a dry leaf after giving and giving. They will gas light you and trivialize everything you say to the point you shut down. These are the kind of people you would usually want to stay away from. Ms. Matchsticks has ...

A Website That Makes a Difference

If you are looking to learn more about Mental health and find treatments. Or just follow a patient and their journey then this is the right place for you. Ms. Matchsticks has reviewed Just Stay Sane and you might really love the advice on this website. Mostly self-help for depression treatment. But, Just Stay Sane always pushes for reaching out for professional. There is no alternative to that. Self-Help for depression treatment is just something you can do to bolster your journey. 

When Online Therapy Becomes a Hard Thing to Do

Reaching out for therapy is not easy. This is where understanding that you are not alone means everything. It is the only thing that will push you forward to be the better 'you'. But, know this today that reaching out means you are strong. And, if you are looking for places to seek help you can start by reading up And if you are looking for affordable online therapy then you can find the best list too here. And, if you are feeling low maybe this will help. No matter what you are going through always remember that there is help available for you. You are never alone. There is a shame but immense bravery in reaching out for professional mental help. So, keep the fight on! You are not alone. Here is a lot of strength for anybody who is looking for it today! 

Ms. Matchsticks and Soma Chakraborty Who Manufactures Rapists

Ms. Matchsticks wastes time on social media because it is fun. But, sometimes she stumbles upon something that makes her stomach curl in disgust. It's mostly when she sees a woman excusing 'rape' of other women. In 2019, this woman is not a product of patriarchy. She is the definition of how men become rapists. Men are not born rapists, they are manufactured along the way, by mothers like these. So, Ms. Matchsticks wrote this! Her name, Soma Chakraborty ! A lady who is apparently a music teacher and also is a rapist manufacturer by day and night as we see. You will see in the live video below on what exactly she had to say to endorse 'rape' on women based on their clothing. Shivani Gupta - The victim of a horrible and gross abuse still stands tall in the video below exposing how women endorse rape in our daily life. How women who are mothers, wives and are educated pushes for the rape of women based on clothing. Must power and love to her! India is w...

Ms. Matchsticks and The Surf Excel Holi Ad

Like most unwarranted and hard lined outrages, the Surf Excel Holi Ad outrage is absolutely misplaced. ms. matchsticks have been seeing way too many hard liners turning anything and everything in to a narrative that fits their religiously devised politics. What about this ad that really bothered people. Some hard liners say that the Muslim boy needed rescuing. Some say that it represented a media stereotype of Hindu festivals. Some had a problem with the word 'daag'. That apparently is insulting, even though all these hard liners will be giving their white kurtas for wash after Holi. Because, let's be honest! Stain means daag. After Holi, the colors are stains on your clothes. And, stains are good here. Stains often remind us of the most beloved times of our lives. it reminds us that we breathed life in to our mundane chronicles. So, yes 'daag' is good. So, what is actually wrong with this Surf Excel ad? Because, the hard liners have their outraged back...

Ms. Matchsticks and the Day of Pulwama Attacks

Breathe, breathe! People are usually very dumb. So, just breathe. So, as a woman in India, the recent unfolding of events has pushed Ms. Matchstick into thinking about the state of the country. Are we really going to let the Pulwana Attacks slide? But, does that warrant for anguish with zero reasons? What we need is you and me to be calm, and mourn. What we don't need is beating the fuck out of innocent people. If there is one thing that Ms. Matchsticks realized is that we are not doing enough for the Indian Armed Forces. In every section. In every level. We failed. We failed to even provide for them the stable environment in the military. Ms. Matchsticks got into a conversation with her friend Rahul yesterday. And, if there was one thing they both agreed with is that; the people demanding a war for revenge are not the people who are willing to stand our borders and take the bullets. So, what we can do is, do more for the Indian Military and Armed Forces. There are s...

Ms. Matchsticks and the curious case of Brotherhood

So, here is something fun today. Apparently, the world runs on some kind of brotherhood. For whatever that ever meant, thought Ms.Matchsticks. As if it's a cult upbringing between men to be told of the ties they share all through their human lives. It would be a good thing, had we been asked to join this manly club 33 too you know, Ms. Matchsticks almost said out loud. I mean, there has to be a limit to how many rooms she has to sneak out of, to avoid further collaboration with the extraterrestrial ideologies of brotherhood. Because, God forbid, what if she started to see the light in such cult ideas. Can happen. But, wait time to shove the panties in her purse and quietly eject herself from this room, she had to spend the night in. it is absolutely funny to see the force of brotherhood that settles the tug of war between sexes. Is it ever worth all of this? Isn't it easier to just nod along, Ms. Matcsticks wondered while she kissed his dog and tiptoed out. After all, ...