Ms. Matchsticks and the curious case of Brotherhood

So, here is something fun today. Apparently, the world runs on some kind of brotherhood. For whatever that ever meant, thought Ms.Matchsticks. As if it's a cult upbringing between men to be told of the ties they share all through their human lives.

It would be a good thing, had we been asked to join this manly club 33 too you know, Ms. Matchsticks almost said out loud. I mean, there has to be a limit to how many rooms she has to sneak out of, to avoid further collaboration with the extraterrestrial ideologies of brotherhood. Because, God forbid, what if she started to see the light in such cult ideas.

Can happen. But, wait time to shove the panties in her purse and quietly eject herself from this room, she had to spend the night in.

it is absolutely funny to see the force of brotherhood that settles the tug of war between sexes. Is it ever worth all of this? Isn't it easier to just nod along, Ms. Matcsticks wondered while she kissed his dog and tiptoed out.

After all, the sherds of love and broken promises and all those sweet nothings are done and it is time to show the penis holder what your heart is really made of, they feel they already know you enough.

Are they ever going to see that mansplaining a relationship is not really going to tickle Ms. Matchsticks heart?

Are they ever going to grow up? Ms. Matchsticks kept thinking to herself as she headed home on a crowded street.

Ow!!!! It's a PUPPER. Pupper time!


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