Ms. Matchsticks Hate Moochers

Unless you have been shoved agianst the wall, we tend to always make excuses for people treating us like shit.

Think about it, Ms. matchsticks have spent years running after 'men' who have done nothing for her.
Treated her less than she deserves.

But, have you ever owndered why women tend to stay in abusive relationships or relationships that have done nothing for their betterment?

It is easy to just judge and say 'leave'.

It has so much that is at stake. People take advantage of your short comming and put you in a box.

If face when it comes to depression and relationships you can always see how such toxic cycles start. How these 'men' and also women, in fact toxic partners mooch off your goodness. Sucks you dry till you crumble like a dry leaf after giving and giving.

They will gas light you and trivialize everything you say to the point you shut down.

These are the kind of people you would usually want to stay away from.

Ms. Matchsticks has seen how her goodness was sucked out. And, believe me when I say this, there is good and bad in everybody.

But, this is where our fight begins. We want emancipation form everybody and everything telling us we are not good enough.

We will break free because you can't hold my head down in deep waters anymore.

It is not my fault that you use manipulation to induce guilt in to me for wanting somehting as basic as respect and a phone call.

You can't treat me any less than I deserve.

Expecting you to be a normal human being is not a burden. And if you fail at that it speaks for your lack of humanity. Not mine.

You will not bully me in to thinking it is my fault.

You will not make me guilty of being human.


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