Ms. Matchsticks and Soma Chakraborty Who Manufactures Rapists

Ms. Matchsticks wastes time on social media because it is fun. But, sometimes she stumbles upon something that makes her stomach curl in disgust. It's mostly when she sees a woman excusing 'rape' of other women. In 2019, this woman is not a product of patriarchy. She is the definition of how men become rapists. Men are not born rapists, they are manufactured along the way, by mothers like these. So, Ms. Matchsticks wrote this! Her name, Soma Chakraborty ! A lady who is apparently a music teacher and also is a rapist manufacturer by day and night as we see. You will see in the live video below on what exactly she had to say to endorse 'rape' on women based on their clothing. Shivani Gupta - The victim of a horrible and gross abuse still stands tall in the video below exposing how women endorse rape in our daily life. How women who are mothers, wives and are educated pushes for the rape of women based on clothing. Must power and love to her! India is w...